A Stylized 3D Sculpt of The Office's Dwight Made in Blender

Yan Sculpts has unveiled a new outstanding model.

Yan Sculpts, a celebrated 3D Character Artist, Digital Sculptor, and YouTuber, renowned for his outstanding stylized character designs, has delighted us once again with a new NPR sculpt, paying tribute to one of the most renowned TV series of all time.

A few days ago, the creator revisited The Office (the American one), presenting a stylized 3D take on the show's second-most iconic character, Rainn Wilson's Dwight Schrute, boasting exaggerated facial features, such as the character's oversized forehead, which nonetheless don't stop digital Dwight from being instantly recognizable. True to form, Yan utilized Blender, a free and open-source 3D software, to sculpt and paint the model.

Previously, we also highlighted Yan's great 3D versions of Arcane's Vi and Jinx:

You can learn more about the artist's workflow by visiting Yan's ArtStation page or, if you want some more in-depth knowledge, you can visit Yan's Gumroad page where the author shares sculpting and texturing courses, anatomy courses, and many other things that any Character Artist will find interesting.

We also recommend checking out the artist's YouTube and Twitch channels, filled to the brim with educational guides, speedsculpt recordings, and more.

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