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INDUSTRIA 2's New Trailer Showcases Stealth Mechanics & Diegetic UI

Bleakmill has dropped a new gameplay trailer for its upcoming "half-like" action FPS.

Building up hype for the upcoming release, game development studio Bleakmill has dropped a new teaser trailer showcasing the gameplay of INDUSTRIA 2, an eagerly anticipated narrative FPS with survival horror elements and a sequel to the 2021 "half-like" action FPS set in Cold War-era East Berlin, INDUSTRIA.

Announced back in March, INDUSTRIA 2 places players in the shoes of Nora, a female protagonist stranded in a parallel dimension. After constructing a machine to return to her home dimension, 1989 East Berlin, Nora has to confront her past, particularly her involvement in the creation of an unstoppable AI named ATLAS.

As a player, you'll explore, scavenge, and battle through a mysterious boreal landscape under ATLAS's control. The game offers an immersive, slow-paced gameplay experience with Unreal Engine 5-powered, physics-based interactions, weapon upgrades, crafting mechanics, and a diegetic inventory.

With the new teaser trailer, the devs shared a lengthy gameplay snippet showcasing the game's stealth mechanics, shooting, graphics, and inventory UI, noting that some of the aspects showcased in the demo are still early in development and will be further refined and improved before the game hits the shelves. "We're so proud of our tiny talented team and can't wait to hear what you think," commented Bleakmill.

You can learn more about INDUSTRIA 2 and wishlist the upcoming game by clicking this link. We also highly recommend visiting the game's official Twitter page to check out the stunning behind-the-scenes demos the team regularly shares.

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