Lucasfilm Shuts Down Fan Remake of the Old Republic

Lucasfilm has decided to shut down Apeiron, a UE4 remake of BioWare’s classic RPG Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Lucasfilm has decided to shut down Apeiron, a UE4 remake of BioWare’s classic RPG Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. “It’s with a great sadness that I’m posting today,” project leader Taylor Trotter revealed on Twitter. “I recently received a letter from Lucasfilm instructing Poem to end production on Apeiron. After a few days, I’ve exhausted my options to keep it afloat; we knew this day was a possibility. I’m sorry and may the Force be with you.”

Trotter has also included a picture of the Lucasfilm letter. “Notwithstanding Poem Studios’ affection and enthusiasm for the Star Wars franchise and the original KOTOR game, we must object to any unlicensed use of Lucasfilm intellectual property,” a representative of Lucasfilm wrote.

Lucasfilm wants Poem Studios to remove all traces of infringing copyright, cease all development of the Apeiron reboot and “destroy all code and materials related to the project”.

“Lucasfilm is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights in and to the Star Wars major motion pictures, games and any other Star Wars content,” the company pointed out. “As such, Poem Studios’ continued use of Lucasfilm’s intellectual property and references to the KOTOR game is misleading to the public and is likely to create confusion as to whether it is affiliated with Lucasfilm.”

Apeiron began development in late 2015, so that’s a really sad outcome for the team and the fans of the game. Make sure to share your thoughts on the story in the comments below.

Published 14 October 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head