Total Chaos 2018: Behind The Portrait with Ian Spriggs

Chaos Group has recently shared a recording of a presentation by Ian Spriggs from Total Chaos 2018 on the way the artist is working with his digital humans.

Chaos Group has recently shared a recording of a presentation by Ian Spriggs from Total Chaos 2018 on the way the artist is working with his digital humans. Ian talked about his techniques the allows his to generate realistic portraits, sharing insights into building emotional connections. It takes more than just a paintbrush, so what is the key here?  

My work is concerned with creating emotional connections with digital humans, and in my presentation, I talk about the techniques I use to achieve this. Many years ago, the masters created realistic portraits of their subjects using little more than a paintbrush. Today I use similar ideas with a new set of tools such as Maya, Mudbox, Photoshop, and V-Ray to create my 3D portraits. I’ll also discuss how we can overcome the uncanny valley, and the new challenges we face in a digital age.

Ian Spriggs 

Make sure to share your thoughts on the talk in the comments below. 

Published 05 July 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head