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Unreal Engine-Powered 2D in 3D Animation Tool Is Out Now

Make 2D motions for 3D scenes in Odyssey.

Praxinos has released Odyssey, a 2D animation software powered by Unreal Engine that combines 2D and 3D workflows to create outstanding results.

The developers aimed it at 2D artists who know very little about 3D software. What it basically does is help you set up 2D animations in 3D environments where you can adjust the lighting, camera, and other parameters.

Image credit: Praxinos

The software is easy to use: just drag and drop your 2D works in a 3D environment and edit them there. There is also a storyboarding module where you can see how this fusion is going to look when you're done with it.

Odyssey offers a simple interface with a canvas, a timeline, and 258 brushes. You can use its vector tools, including warp grid, line thickness, smart eraser, and palettes of indexed colors, to combine vector and bitmap and create your masterpieces.

Image credit: Praxinos

"Odyssey projects exactly have the same structure as Unreal Engine's: you can add assets from the Marketplace or migrate content from a project to another! You can even combine Odyssey with source control solutions like Git or Perforce."

Image credit: Praxinos

Praxinos has other tools for artists you can check out:

  • EPOS – a smart plugin for Unreal Engine to manage scene placement both in space and time.
  • ILIAD – a drawing plugin for Unreal Engine that will allow you to edit and create images while remaining in the environment of the engine. 
  • ULIS – Utility Library for Imaging System, created to answer the specific needs of ILIAD and Odyssey related to the context of raster-based drawing in a 3D environment powered by Unreal Engine.

Image credit: Praxinos

Odyssey has a 30-day trial, and when it runs out, you'll need to purchase a perpetual license for €1,200 or get a subscription for €50/month or €500/year. Find it here and join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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