2.5D Survival Horror Game Inspired by X-Files, Twin Peaks & Alan Wake

Manage your resources, solve puzzles, and untangle a web of conspiracies in Silver Pines, an upcoming metroidvania developed by Wych Elm.

A few days ago, indie game development team Wych Elm impressed thousands of individuals by presenting the first official teaser trailer for Silver Pines, the studio's upcoming 2.5D survival horror metroidvania with strong Twin Peaks, X-Files, and Alan Wake vibes.

Staying true to the genre's tenets, the game puts you in the shoes of an FBI agent Red Walker. Awakening in an empty diner with no recollection of past events, you embark on a journey through the small town of Silver Pines, WA, uncovering a web of conspiracies, betrayal, and intrigue permeating the town and gradually realizing that something has gone terribly wrong.

In terms of gameplay, Silver Pines will require you to manage scarce resources in true survival horror fashion, solve a variety of puzzles to uncover the town's secrets, and engage in combat with a wide range of enemies and bosses. The game promises realistic and immersive action with rotoscope animation, an engaging cast of characters, and in-world storytelling enhanced by fully voiced graphic novel cutscenes.

Learn more and wishlist Silver Pines on Steam. Don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedInTikTok, and Reddit, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 18 June 2024
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content