3D Artist Creates A Playable Mario Game In Substance 3D Designer

Check out the winner of Insanity Awards 2021.

Substance 3D Designer is not just meant for the creation of environment materials – it can be used for all kinds of procedural systems or even a Mario game. Yes, you've heard us right.

Quinton Qu, a technical artist at Chinese game developer and animation studio miHoYo, managed to set up a playable Mario game inside Substance 3D Designer. The project was picked as the best work of this year's Insanity Awards, an event by Adobe Substance 3D that promotes projects breaking technical limits.

Substance Mario Bros (the project's name) features a Super Mario Bros-style screen inside a Substance 3D Designer .sbs file. There's also a familiar interface that lets you switch between modes, run, and jump. 

You can find other winners here. You can also check out the artist's original ArtStation post. Don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 30 January 2022
Arti Sergeev
Business Head