3ds Max and Maya Indie Will Be Available Worldwide In August

More countries will soon get access to reduced-price subscriptions.

Autodesk announced that both Maya and 3ds Max Indie, the company's reduced-price subscription to the tools for artists earning under $100,000/year, will be available to a wider range of countries on 7 August 2020.

The announcement was made in emails to existing subscribers. The team revealed that indie subscriptions will be available in 26 more countries of Europe, Asia, and South America.

Originally launched last summer, the indie initiative allows users with gross annual revenue under $100,000/year to get access to a single license of the full version of the software for around $250/year (depends on your country's plan).

3ds Max Indie subscribers reposted an email on social media revealing that the company will “launch 3ds Max for indie users worldwide, starting August 7, 2020”.

Published 26 July 2020
Arti Sergeev
Business Head