A Closer Look at Giant Robot's Armor Created For UE5 Early Access

Musaab Shukri shared the details of the robot's armor.

Remember when Epic Games launched Unreal Engine 5 in Early Access and presented an epic video showcasing the engine's work? 3D Artist Musaab Shukri shared the details of the ancient robot you could see there and showed a close-up of its armor.

Musaab Shukri was responsible for leading the ASC team, taking the first and the final passes of texturing the whole robot. He also modeled the arms and the connectors and made UVs.

According to the artist, the overall polycount was over 300 million tris.

Shukri has other impressive works in his portfolio on ArtStation, check it out to see more.

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Published 15 June 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor