A Fantasy Gate Generator Made With Geometry Nodes

The generator was made by Bagattini Antoine and can be downloaded for free.

Archviz and Add-On-Maker Antoine Bagattini, known for creating stunning projects using Blender, has unveiled a stunning Fantasy Gate generator made with Geometry Nodes for Blender 3.1+. The generator allows you to create a magnificent gate by simply drawing a curve, all you need to do is select a gate, go to Edit Mode, and draw a curve to give the shape. If you want multiple gates, it is also possible to duplicate the object.

Please note that you can keep only one curve per object. The creator also commented that depending on the curve length, generation may fail.

You can download the generator for free here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more

Published 22 April 2022
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content