A look at the Forza Horizon 3

On stage at E3 2016 in Los Angeles, Microsoft unveiled extremely stylish and beautiful Forza Horizon 3. It will allow gamers to

On stage at E3 2016 in Los Angeles, Microsoft unveiled extremely stylish and beautiful Forza Horizon 3. It will allow gamers to explore the vast territories of Australia – new home of the Horizon Festival. Take a look at some of the details from the official decription.

Australia’s natural beauty abounds in Forza Horizon 3. From exploring bioluminescent caves that look like something out of a science fiction movie, to skipping across the beach and skimming the ocean surf as you speed past the famed “Twelve Apostles” limestone stacks, there are driving experiences in Forza Horizon 3 that players have never seen before in a Horizon game. Forza Horizon 3 is packed full of incredible diversity. There’s the famed dusty Outback that will be a test of any car’s abilities; blasting through the dense and lush rainforests; testing your driving skills on city streets – the unique driving experiences in Forza Horizon 3 seemingly never end.

Your Forza Garage

More than 350 amazing cars are presenter is this game. One the of the greatest vehicles this time are extremely powerful new Lamborghini Centenario and the brand new Ford Raptor. The game studio is also bringing new vehicle types like Class 10 and extreme off-roaders like B.J. Baldwin’s Trophy Truck.

You’re in Charge

In Forza Horizon 3, you’re the boss. That means you’ll be making the big decisions that affect the festival. From choosing when and where to expand the festival sites, all the way down to the music that is played and the events that take place – the decisions are up to you. It’s time to create the greatest festival in the world!

You have the power to tailor every experience in the game to your own tastes. That’s done through a brand new feature the studio calls Horizon Blueprint, which lets players create their own gameplay and instantly share it with friends.

With Blueprint, you can take any of the hundreds of pre-created events in Forza Horizon 3 and customize them to your exact specifications. That can include things like changing the route for a particular event, the time of day and weather conditions, the eligible cars, event restrictions, and more. You can even give an event its own name, which is important because you’ll be able to share your event and see the events that all your friends have created automatically populated in your world. Those events will even have custom posters automatically generated based on the event type.

Source: Forza Horizon 3

Published 15 June 2016
Arti Sergeev
Business Head