A New Open-Source Editor for Tweaking Photo Details

Tweak local details with this useful new model.

Have a look at a new editor for sketch-based image manipulation, described in the paper "SketchEdit: Mask-Free Local Image Manipulation with Partial Sketches" that will allow you to modify an image with simple strokes. Unlike other existing methods that usually require users to draw an extra mask indicating the region to modify, this new paradigm of sketch-based image manipulation "only requires sketch inputs from users and utilizes the entire original image".

"Given an image and sketch, our model automatically predicts the target modification region and encodes it into a structure agnostic style vector," states the team. "A generator then synthesizes the new image content based on the style vector and sketch. The manipulated image is finally produced by blending the generator output into the modification region of the original image. Our model can be trained in a self-supervised fashion by learning the reconstruction of an image region from the style vector and sketch."

You can find the paper here and the code there. There's also an online demo available via this link.

Previously, we also covered another approach, called LaMa, that can be used to remove various objects from pictures like people, furniture, buildings, animals, not-needed details, etc. The network then recreates the background behind the deleted objects and achieves excellent performance even in challenging scenarios, e.g. completion of periodic structures. Learn more here.

LaMa in action: 

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Published 02 December 2021
Arti Sergeev
Business Head