A Spaceship Falling in Water Simulation Made in Houdini

The artist also used 3ds Max and V-Ray to set up the simulation.

Japanese VFX Artist Kei Yoneoka has demonstrated a stunning water simulation that reacts to a massive spaceship crashing into it. The simulation looks incredibly complicated and realistic and, according to the artist, was made using Houdini's Flip Sim. Additionally, the artist utilized 3ds Max with Alembic and V-Ray for rendering purposes. As of right now, the project is WiP, and the artist plans to expand the sea level and add mist in the near future.

"[The project] also contains whitewater. If you bring only particles from Houdini with Alembic and load them with VRayProxy, you can render millions of particles without any problem," commented Kei on the whitewater particles.

And here's the previous demonstration of the project:

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Published 04 July 2022
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content