Augmented Arcana: A Cool Set of AR-Powered Cards

The cards are being created by MageCraft and will soon be available to purchase.

Check out Augmented Arcana, an amazing set of AR-powered playing cards being developed by MageCraft. Augmented Arcana is a set of magical-looking spell cards that come to life when viewed through a special app. The team has already created several sets of cards that come with various effects e.g. fireblast, electricity, smoke, poison attack, frost, and many other spells. Once released, these AR cards promise to deliver a never-before-seen level of immersivity.

"The unreleased app works on iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows, and will be 100% free to download for everyone. That means that if you game in person, anyone at your table can look at the spells your character is casting. Or, if you play online, you'll be able to share your screen to apps like Google Meets, Zoom, Discord, or Twitch," commented the team.

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Published 05 May 2022
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content