Blender Artists Share Their Cool Building Generators

Have a look at these amazing building generators created using Blender's Geometry Nodes.

The first generator of this article was made by a skilled Blender Artist Miettinen Jesse. Right now, the artist is working on a Dune-inspired project, and this generator helps Miettinen to set up scenes for it in just a few clicks. The artist has also explained how the generator was created and revealed the creation process behind it: 

Up next, here's an amazing city generator, being made by 3D Artist and Game Developer Pavel Oliva in Blender. According to the artist, the generator is capable of taking images and turning them into realistic-looking cities. Right now, the author is implementing Geometry Nodes to automatically adjust the buildings and their height, as well as adding some other features to the generator. 

What's more, the artist promises that the generator will be free to download on Gumroad once it is finished.

And finally, here's a cool castle generator made by Game Developer Mark Arrebola in Blender using Geometry Nodes. According to the video demonstration, the generator can create a variety of stylized castles of different heights, shapes, and forms. What's more, the artist has also shown how the generated castles can be used in gamedev. You can check out the gameplay in the video attached above.

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Published 04 April 2022
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content