Breakdown of fair prices by Brigador developers

Previously released game Brigador took some beating after the developers set a price at $20. Early access title seemed too

Previously released game Brigador took some beating after the developers set a price at $20. Early access title seemed too expensive and the gamers were not happy, but the studio decided to present a complete breakdown of their production costs.

Developers did not only present a list of their costs, but also an interesting breakdown of things people can do in 5 years (amount of time spent by Brigador’s developers).

Brigador was made almost entirely from scratch, and when it ships will contain 2 hours of original music (small sample), over 100 different enemy units (spoilers), a story campaign, a free play mode, and a playable landmass of ~2 mi² (split between 20 maps) — roughly the size of downtown Chicago or the urban area in GTA III — hand detailed all the way down to street lamps, trash cans, stop signs, etc. I took some time to render out two of the maps in their entirety at game resolution so that you can look around for yourselves: (heads up, each image is ~10 mbs).

Brigador Devs 

It all comes to a point when after paying all the taxes and summing up the costs, developers get not that much money, so $20 seems to be a fair price. Make sure to read the whole statement, it’s worth your time.





Published 24 February 2016
Arti Sergeev
Business Head