Breakdown: Setting Up Normals for an Inflating/Deflating Mesh in Houdini
Hugo Depping shared a short breakdown and released snippets of code that might be interesting for Tech Artists.

Technical Artist Hugo Depping has released a short and comprehensive breakdown that might interest Houdini enthusiasts who work on creating tools that involve Normals. The artist demonstrated a way of setting up Normals for inflating and deflating mesh in Houdini using VEX, a high-performance expression language used for many of Houdini's features and tools. Additionally, the artist also shared the code behind the example project.

Hugo also commented that the VEX-based method was recommended to him by Technical Artist Bjorn Klaassen. For a non-VEX-related way, we also encourage you to check out Hugo's earlier blog post that covers just that. You can access it by visiting Hugo's ArtStation page.

Check out more of Hugo's projects here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

Published 18 August 2022
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content