BWeld – Generate Welds at Intersection in Maya

A free script by Baidhir Hidair.

Baidhir Hidair has presented BWeld, a free script for Maya that allows to generate weld at intersection of two objects.


  • Put bweld.mel in Documents/maya/maya_version/scripts/
  • Attach this to hotkey (runtime command)/shelf : source “bweld.mel”;

Here a nice example of work created with the help of BWeld by Polycount user TeriyakiStyle:

The developer has recently added a new feature, Flat Fillet, to help generate a loop of polygons that serve as a fillet or a decal on which textures (weld textures) can be applied.

Get BWeld

Author: Artyom Sergeev

Published 14 April 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head