Capcom's Sales on Steam Increased 62.5%

PC sales account for approximately 15.6% of the company's total sales.

In a recent financial report, Capcom revealed that in the fiscal year ended March 2022 its sales on Steam increased by 62.5% and amounted to ¥17,221 million (about $127,000) which accounts for almost 15.6% of the company’s total sales in 2022.

This growth compared to the previous year is driven by the fact that from April 2021 to March 2022, the company released significantly more games – among them, for example, Resident Evil Village and Monster Hunter Rise.

The report also revealed that Capcom sells 353 titles in 237 countries, so these figures are quite natural.

Taking into account Capcom’s great numbers on consoles, the sales figures for PC are very good. An increasingly bigger number of people are now buying titles from the publisher on PC, according to a recent report from the Japanese website gamebiz. All of this is due to the Japanese company's efforts to put games on the platform. 

Last year, Capcom also emphasized that the difference in sales on consoles and PCs has become noticeably smaller, and the leadership of the console is no longer so obvious.

In October 2021, the company also unveiled its plans to equalize sales on consoles and PCs and even potentially make PC the main platform for its games. At the same time, the popularity of Capcom games remains high on consoles, especially considering the Monster Hunter franchise.

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Published 01 July 2022
Ana Kessler