Conarium: Lovecraft + Unreal

Adventure horror game that works as an homage to the events of ‘At the Mountains of Madness’. Created by 3 people.

Adventure horror game that works as an homage to the events of ‘At the Mountains of Madness’. Created by 3 people.

Lovecraft and games go hand in hand, but we rarely see a good combination of the two. Conarium is an exception from the general rule. This project was created by the guys from Zoetrope Interactive and published by Iceberg Interactive.

Zoetrope Interactive is a tiny little game development studio from Istanbul/Turkey. There are only three people on the team: Galip Kartoğlu, Onur Şamlı, Oral Şamlı. Conarium is not their first take on Lovecraft. Before that, they’ve released Darkness Within. It was a huge success, so they’ve decided to continue their work on the theme. This is how “Conarium” was born.

As Frank Gilman, a member of the Anthropology Department in the Miskatonic University, you have taken part in the Upuaut expedition led by Dr. Faust, attempting to pass beyond the limits of human consciousness by using a device called Conarium.

When you find yourself regaining consciousness, you are alone in the Antarctic expedition base, and you remember nothing. Soon you will discover that having used the device during the expedition, you have died but then returned subtly changed, speaking of strange memories and of strange places. You have lost something important or gained something sinister…

Explore the antarctic base, as well as dreams and visions. Study clues, unlock secrets, experience alternate realities, but avoid macabre beings present there at all cost.

The game is powered by Unreal engine and features some very nice visuals. The environment design is really cool. Lighting is moody, there’s a lot of post effects, fog, particles and cool effects. Although it is a small game, it feels and plays really well. Grab one if you feel like you need some scares.

Published 09 June 2017
Kirill Tokarev