Constructing Rock Maker in Substance Designer

How does one save time when working on complex surfaces in Substance Designer?

How does one save time when working on complex surfaces in Substance Designer? The tool by Allegorithmic provides tons of features for users to generate different timesavers. Wes McDermott, for example, is now working a tool that will allow him to easily add all kinds of rocks inside the tool. The task might seem quite challenging but think about the possibilities here. Let’s take a look at a couple of his WIP files.  

More work on a rock maker utility in Substance Designer. Working on a new ground material, but I always get caught up in making utility graphs. Loads of fun though!

Wes McDermott

Isn’t that exciting? Have you tried generating something similar yourself? Please, give us some details on your experiments in the comments below. Also, you can follow progress on the artist’s Facebook page

Published 11 April 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head