Courses to Master VFX Skills in Houdini

Fall registration in almost all the schools will be closed soon. Don't miss a chance to check out the courses for VFX artists and enhance your tech skills. 

1. Advanced Houdini FX - Rise

The course is dedicated to visual effects creation in Houdini. The mentor will guide you through the Houdini features and workflow. During the course, you will upgrade your skills by producing large-scale dust, flowing lava, and smoke simulation with Houdini 18. In the last steps of the course, your instructor will teach you the shading and lighting parts: shading and lighting ground collapse scenes, shading the fire and smoke.

2. Mastering destruction and FX in Houdini

The course will start with an in-depth look at bullet and dops, at smoke and dust simulation in Houdini. In the next steps, you'll start learning and practicing the workflow of ground destruction and crumbling. During all the parts of the course, the mentor will provide you with advanced destruction tips and tricks, and advice on optimization of the workflow. The last weeks are dedicated to shading, lighting, and rendering, compositing the various elements created with Arnold in Houdini.

3. Clouds in Houdini (Free course)

The course will outline the themes of clouds creation, shading, lighting, and rendering. The instructor will focus on how to create realistic scenes inside Houdini using Arnold renderer. The course could be used as a first step for those who are interested in adding technical skills to their portfolio or looking to start a career as a VFX artist. 

You may check out more courses at Rebelway school here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 20 October 2021
Angelika Ulianova
Account manager