Creating Advanced Ballistics and Bullet Penetration System in 3D

Check out a cool system by a developer from Reddit and learn how to recreate it in Unreal.

A Reddit user wedl3 shared a look at an advanced ballistics and bullet penetration system being created for a multiplayer game. The level of damage depends on the type of material used for a wall so a bullet can penetrate a couple of brick walls or a dozen wooden planks. 

"All of my shooting, penetration and damage reduction code is done locally, and I just give the server hit location, what actor it hit and other important info of my bullet and just spawn visual FX at the location and apply damage to AI which is reduced from normal depending on what physical materials I hit and how many walls it went trough," noted the author.

The developer was also kind enough to share a tutorial for Unreal that might help you create a similar system, inside the engine for a singleplayer or a multiplayer experience. You can find it below: 

You can find the full demo video here. What do you think about the system? What would you add or change? 

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Published 24 October 2021
Arti Sergeev
Business Head