Creating Applications with Pluralsight Courses

Today we've gathered the list of courses that would be beneficial if you are working on a new application or need help in updating your current apps. 

1. Spring WebFlux: Getting Started

This course will teach you the basics of Spring WebFlux and reactive programming by building a REST API. You will also learn how to use Reactor, WebClient, and WebTestClient.

In this course, you will learn the foundations of reactive programming and Spring WebFlux. First, you will learn exactly what reactive programming is and why it's so useful. Then, you will see how to work with Spring WebFlux’s annotated controllers and functional endpoints to process large amounts of data. Finally, you will use WebClient to create reactive web clients, and also set up integration testing with WebTestClient. 

2. Service Design User Journey Mapping

With this tutorial, you will study how to map a user journey from identifying personas and understanding their emotions to understand their intentions and expectations.

During the course, the mentor will guide you through the users' way in applications. You'll learn about your users and understand what they need and expect.

First, you’ll explore personas and alternate personas. Next, you’ll discover their emotions during the journey. Finally, you’ll discover users' intentions and expectations.

3. AWS Developer: Serverless Architecture and Monitoring

This course will prepare you to operate in Serverless applications. The tutor will explain the workflow of monitoring any kind of web application with Amazon Web Services.

The instructor will show you some of the newest innovations in AWS, such as Serverless applications and application monitoring. First, you will explore how to correctly architect applications using technologies such as Lambda, API Gateway, and Kinesis to create a true Serverless application. Next, you will discover a new monitoring technology created in AWS X-Ray, which lets you monitor all types of applications in AWS. Finally, you will learn how to configure monitoring for applications in AWS using X-Ray and CloudWatch alarms. 

You may check out more courses here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 14 October 2021
Angelika Ulianova
Account manager