Creating Terrains Using Satellite Data in Houdini

Have a look at an online course that will teach you advanced techniques for generating complex terrains and landscapes with Houdini to use inside game engines like Unreal Engine 4.

The course mostly focuses on how to import and process satellite topography data in order to:
  • Convert point clouds into actual height fields with multiple layers of information including vegetation scattering masks.
  • Convert it into game assets with baked maps
The course is meant for intermediate users with a good knowledge of Houdini.
You will be able to use real-world satellite data and combine it with advanced terrain techniques inside Houdini to generate all sorts of landscapes.
It focuses on using landscapes inside game engines, but the tips can also be used for VFX and other environmental projects.
You can learn more here
Published 04 October 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head