Destiny is Getting Microtransactions

Activision is changing the way it is going to earn money with Bungie’s most recent shooter. The company is introducing microtransactions and thinks of changing its paid DLC policy.

Bungie has recently published a big blog post describing the new feature which is coming into Destiny next week. Starting Oct. 13 players will be able to purchase additional emotes for a new special currency, Silver. There will be 18 emotes to start with. Silver can be purchased with real money through the PlayStation Store or Xbox Games Store.


Emotes are completely cosmetic and don’t influence gameplay in any way. Collector Edition of Destiny: The Taken King had 3 exclusive emotes, which were not available in the main game. You could actually buy this exclusive content for $20. It hasn’t been yet revealed how much will the players pay for the additional emotes. However we do know that Bungie is giving out some free Silver to all Destiny players for them to purchase some new emotes.

Does this mean, that Activision is thinking of making Destiny a completely free to play experience? It’s probably too late to judge, but there’s always this chance. After all, Activision sees the numbers of Hearthstone and other F2P games made by Blizzard and they must understand the commercial potential of this monetization model.


Further heating our suggestions are the new rumors from Kotaku. Citing anonymous sources “familiar with Destiny’s development,” Kotaku says that Activision wants to change its entire pricing for the additional content. All the DLC for Destiny may become free for download. Updates will be released every month until the release of the first official sequel Destiny 2.

So far nobody can confirm this. Do you think Activision and Bungie will try F2P for Destiny? Will this decision hurt the gameplay mechanics of the project?

Source: (via

Published 06 October 2015
Kirill Tokarev