Devcom 2020 Talk: Rethinking 3D Animation

Charles-Arthur Bourget did a talk during Devcom 2020 and discussed the animation workflow at Nukeygara.

CEO of Nukeygara Charles-Arthur Bourget joined Devcom 2020, shared the company’s view on animation, and did a walkthrough of a biped workflow with the toolset.

During the talk, Charles discussed the skills required for 3D animation, got back into the history of tools for its creation, and then did a demo of using Akeytsu. While showing the animation approach, Charles talked about key updates of the tool, focusing on the user interface.

Following the idea to reinvent the toolset for 3D animation, the 2020 roadmap is precisely focused on the development of technical solutions for its software, bringing the higher quality, and taking into account user’s feedback.

Published 27 August 2020
Ellie Harisova