Disney Interactive’s “Confirmation of Targeted Reduction” in workforce

Disney Interactive responds to reports about a staff cut on Club Penguin Brand.

Disney Interactive responds to reports about a staff cut on Club Penguin Brand.

A response has been made by Disney Interactive on reports of a reduction in staff working on Club Penguin at its Brighton, British Columbia, and Los Angeles operations. Disney Interactive has said that they are always looking for ways to create ways for their operations to be as efficient and as smooth as possible. They also said that as part of this process, they are unifying a small number of teams and are going through the process of a “targeted reduction” in their workforce. Although they made a statement, Disney didn’t respond to reports that the Brighton office had been shut down.

A former employee of Disney Online Studios Canada, Chris Hendricks, wrote a blog about the the reduction in staff last week.

Yesterday was a reality check for that, as a significant number of Club Penguin employees – including many close colleagues of mine – were laid off work. Never more than now have I needed to remind myself that all worlds eventually pass away, and while I think Club Penguin will be around for years to come, it won’t be the exception to the rule.

Hendricks also wrote that he thought that Club Penguin would last forever, but it looks like that’s no longer the case.

Source: gameindustry.biz

Published 23 April 2015
Kirill Tokarev