Dynamic Lighting Portal System for UE4

Check out a new tool for UE4 called Dynamic Lighting Portal System that lets users easily optimize dynamic lighting performance when it comes to dealing with large levels.

Check out a new tool for UE4 called Dynamic Lighting Portal System that lets users easily optimize dynamic lighting performance when it comes to dealing with large levels. You cannot ignore your project’s performance, so give this goodie a try to save yourself some time on optimization. 

Unreal Engine culling is great, but when it comes to dynamic lights, there is still a lot of improvements that can be made.

This tool allows you to get a massive performance boost without any quality loss!

The portal system toggles lights visibility to true only when you can see them, tremendously improving the performance. The performance gain will depend on your level layout and number of dynamic lights.

All the lights, and this include point lights, spot lights and all the lights attached in blueprints inside a zone will be set to visible when:

  1. You are inside the zone
  2. The zone is visible through a portal

The portal visibility check is based on Unreal Engine built in HZB occlusion, so it’s extremely fast and efficient performance wise.

To give you an idea, we have tested in levels from 4000 to 25 000 actors, with 50 to 500+ dynamic lights, more than half of them casting shadows. Volumetric lighting enabled.

We’re getting 30 to 60% performance improvement with this system, making them playable on a low end gaming computers (8 years old i7 950 processor and GTX 950 graphic card).

Dream Powered 

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 7

Number of C++ Classes: 6

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows Mac Linux 

Documentation: Doc is included in the plugin: PluginsPortalSystemDocindex.html

Example Project: An example map is provided inside the plugin

Important/Additional Notes: The performance gain will vary depending on your level design and the type of level (indoor / outdoor)

Buy the tool

Published 11 February 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head