Video: Houdini Meet-Up With Eidos Montreal

Eidos Montréal has recently hosted the latest Montreal Houdini user group meet-up. Let's check out a recording and learn some tricks. 

As always, the event was about uniting modelers, animators, VR creators and other specialists to share knowledge. 

Benoit Onillon (Senior Technical Artist) gave tips and tricks on how to get started with VEX, and Mike Lyndon (Senior Technical Artist at Side FX) discussed digital asset creation, providing tips on working in the compositing network and using height-fields to speed up image processing. Make sure to watch the video if you're willing to become a master of Houdini

The team also thanked Francois Devic, Benoit Onillon and Julien Bouvrais for setting up the event. Don't forget to discuss the talks in the comments. 

Published 28 October 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head