Elon Musk Presented a Humanoid Robot Named Optimus

The inventor plans to mass-produce such androids and sell them for around $20,000 per unit.

During Tesla's annual Tesla AI Day event, the company's CEO Elon Musk unveiled the new iteration of Optimus, an AI-powered humanoid robot prototype first shown during AI Day 2021. Over the year, the android has been marginally improved and is now capable of operating semi-autonomously, thanks to some of the features it shares with Tesla's autopilot driver assistance features.

During the demonstration, Optimus was shown walking on stage and waving to the audience. Additionally, Musk presented a video showcasing the robot doing some chores around the Tesla factory, including carrying a box, watering plants, and moving metal bars, as well as shared a thorough presentation on the development process behind the prototype.

According to the CEO, the demonstrated capabilities of Optimus are only a small part of what the robot can actually do. Once the prototype is refined and finalized, Musk commented, he plans for Tesla to mass-produce such robots and sell them to companies and individuals for around $20,000 per unit. 

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Published 03 October 2022
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content