Female Version of FromSoftware's Sekiro Hero Imagined in 3D

The model is made in Maya, Substance 3D Painter, and Arnold.

Ginyang Chia presented their Lady Wolf project – a female version of FromSoftware's Sekiro character. The model is created with Maya, ZBrush, Mari, Substance 3D Painter, XGen, and Arnold.

Chia says it's their first time learning the high-resolution workflow with XGen, Mari, and Arnold.

The majority of the project was done from scratch, but the broken wood was taken from Quixel Megascans. The idol statue was found online, then cut and sculpted over. The pose was inspired by Marco Plouffe's Yennefer the Kunoichi statue.

You can find other great works on Ginyang Chia's ArtStation:

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Published 07 October 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor