Fight With A Boombox Gun Powered By Cassettes In This Rhythm Shooter

MECHABOP is an upcoming rhythm-powered roguelite shooter with a unique blend of gameplay mechanics and distinctive visual aesthetics, evoking Jet Set Radio and Hi-Fi Rush vibes and featuring a creative approach to weapon designs.

While MECHABOP is still in the early stages of development, this upcoming roguelike rhythm shooter by Team Trigear immediately catches the eye and stands out in the indie game landscape, evoking Hi-Fi Rush and Jet Set Radio visuals.

MECHABOP focuses on the protagonist named Rain, who navigates through the world designed with a distinctive low-poly art style, mixing various gameplay mechanics in a fast-action rhythmic adventure. Rain wields unusual weapons, like this boombox revolver powered by cassette tapes, which is definitely one of MECHABOP's most prominent features, contributing to the fresh and creative vibe of the game.

Team Trigear has also introduced some unique game characters, including Rain's companion Zeri, enemy NPC Flipside, cassette vending machine Pokari, weapons dealer Tripply, and others.

Have a look at some gameplay clips below:

And with sound on! Jet Set Radio and The World Ends With You fans are going to love it:

As there's no release date for MECHABOP yet, we highly encourage you to follow Team TriGear on X/Twitter for the latest news, updates, demos, and a future Steam page announcement.

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Published 25 April 2024
Amber Rutherford
Junior Editor