Former Blizzard President Launches Dreamhaven

The new team wants to reimagine the studio model.

Co-founder and former president of Blizzard, Mike Morhaime, announced the launch of Dreamhaven, a new game company that united Blizzard veterans and two development studios, Moonshot Games and Secret Door.

Morhaime, the new studio's CEO, and his wife Amy (head of operations), will be joined by former Hearthstone lead Jason Chayes, creative director Ben Thompson, and Starcraft II and Heroes of the Storm director Dustin Browder to create new games at Moonshot Games. Chris Sigaty, who previously worked as executive producer on Hearthstone, StarCraft II, and HotS, is the Secret Door's studio head.

The team's goal is to "reimagine the studio model." The will be "taking the chances that most big publishers won't." Little is known about their current projects, but it appears that they're developing a multiplayer experience with the focus on the importance of social experiences within games.

Morhaime told Venturebeat that his new studio is focusing on building the company's values. They want to make sure that the team has control over decision-making. 

You can learn more here

Published 23 September 2020
Arti Sergeev
Business Head