Former Ubisoft Developer on Assassin's Creed's Horses & Malik

Charles Randall has told how the first Assassin's Creed's horses were made and how Malik's missing hand was set up.

Celebrating the 15th birthday of the first Assassin's Creed game, former Ubisoft developer Charles Randall shared some secrets behind the game's development. Firstly, the developer explained how Malik Al-Sayf's missing hand was set up, saying that the character does have his left hand, but it is very small and is located inside the character. According to Charles, this was done due to a lack of budget for a custom skeleton or mesh for Malik.

Secondly, the developer explained how the horses in the game were made. According to him, the horses used a twisted and perverted human skeleton that was turned into a horse by Ubisoft's animators and riggers. This was done because the team's tool chain only worked with biped in 3ds Max.

And finally, Charles spoke about the clipping problem that was present in the game. According to Randall, the bug would give you access to prohibited areas that you are not supposed to visit. That's why he implemented a fun little feature that would simply kill the player's character if they were to clip through the game's invisible walls.

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Published 24 June 2022
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content