Forza Horizon Devs Wanted to Make a Project Gotham Racing Reboot

The studio then pitched its spin-off series.

Forza Horizon developer Playground Games revealed they originally pitched a Project Gotham Racing reboot to Microsoft, before launching the development of its spin-off Forza series.

In an interview with GQ about the recently revealed Forza Motorsport, studio head Trevor Williams said that he'd originally met the creators of the core Forza series and pitched a reboot of Project Gotham Racing which was created by studio Bizarre Creations.

The initial idea was shut down, and then they decided to pitch a spin-off set in the Forza franchise.

"It was one of those stories where the steak turns to ash in your mouth, and I'm thinking, 'how do we afford the flights home?'," Williams said. "After five minutes, Forza corporate vice president Alan Hartman was like, 'what would you do with Forza? Where would you take Forza?' And we pitched what literally became Horizon, almost on a napkin."

You can read the full story here. What's your take on the latest Forza games? Also, which studio should continue the legacy of Project Gotham Racing?

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Published 13 June 2022
Arti Sergeev
Business Head