Free Camo Pack for Substance

12 procedural surfaces by Jeff Kleinzweig.

An Environment Artist Jeff Kleinzweig has shared a free collection of realistic, procedural camouflage patterns that can be used in Substance Designer or Painter.

This is a collection of procedural camouflage patterns that I made in Substance Designer. I created a small handful of utility nodes that enabled me to create just about any pattern in a matter of minutes. I tried to get all the most commonly used styles in this pack, and exposed a few parameters on each one, Since these are just patterns they can be used to skin anything from clothing and armor to weapons and equipment. Enjoy!

Jeff Kleinzweig 

To install, simply import the .sbsar into Painter and define it as a procedural.

Get the pack

Published 02 August 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head