Free Tutorial: Approaching Modular Foliage in Games

Jobye-Kyle Karmaker from Respawn Entertainment shared a bunch of useful information and tips on producing modular vegetation from scratch.

Jobye-Kyle Karmaker from Respawn Entertainment shared a bunch of useful information and tips on producing modular vegetation from scratch. It was a gamedev talk at Digital Dragons 2019.

Here’s some slides from the presentation:

Almost every slide has a detailed note that explains the things you’d see on the screen. At the end, there’s also a bunch of useful takeaways.

You can download the full presentation here (download the full 2GB .pptx and open with PowerPoint, won’t work with Google Slides)

Also, Jobye-Kyl kindly shared useful links that he referenced during the talk:

There should be a YouTube video posted by Digital Dragons eventually but, as for now, you can follow the artist to keep yourself updated:

Published 31 May 2019