FumeFX 5.0 for Cinema 4D Available

 Sitni Sati released FumeFX 5.0 for Maxon's Cinema 4D.

First, the FumeFX GPU accelerated display has been integrated within the Cinema 4D viewport, including volumetric shadows, proper geometry occlusion and instant shader feedback. Using the tool's power, you can create fluid flows that minimize numerical dissipation even after 900 frames of animation.

The release brings losless and lossy .fxd compression that allows per-channel compression type and quality settings.

Users can also retime caches, bake Render Warps, convert between various cache file formats, improve cache fetch, save disk space by excluding channels that are no longer needed in the workflow, and more.

You can learn more here

Published 17 December 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head