Furioos Acquired by Unity

Unity revealed it acquired Obvioos, the developer of Furioos, a cloud-based video streaming service.

Furioos allows streaming 3D apps to any device with an internet connection, using the same technology as cloud gaming. Users can run apps in real-time on a cloud server equipped with the most powerful GPUs.

"With Furioos, it’s easy to make any device a 3D supercomputer," noted the Unity team. "Furioos is compatible with any device capable of receiving a video stream, such as a smartphone web browser."


  • The platform scales to adapt to the number of visits in real-time and from anywhere in the world
  • Stream any Windows app by dragging and dropping a ZIP file
  • Insert any application onto any website (like a YouTube video)

“We’re a small team with big goals,” noted Christophe Robert, Obvioos Co-Founder and President. “By joining one of the leading 3D development platforms, we can better scale our video streaming services while closely aligning our technology with Unity. We’re extremely excited about what’s to come.”

You can learn more here

Published 05 November 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head