Gaea 1.0 Released

After years in incubation and almost an entire year in Early Access, QuadSpinner has finally released Gaea 1.0!

The team has announced that Gaea 1.0 is now available across all editions: Community, Indie, Professional, and Enterprise.

You can download your copy here or compare different editions to choose one that suits you.

“We will provide monthly, or sometimes more frequent, stability and feature upgrades. We will also release new features regularly as outlined on our roadmap. As Gaea is proudly perpetual, all such updates will be free,” added the team.

QuadSpinner has also announced their new Community Forums which will be a dedicated place “for all Gaea and GeoGlyph users to interact, learn, share knowledge and artwork, request features, report issues, and more.”

Please note that a work-in-progress version of the documentation is available here. The team states that a major documentation update is planned for March. They will also share several tutorials covering all levels of expertise.

You can find official tutorials listed here, and community contributed tutorials in this topic. Get more details on the announcement here.

Published 26 February 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head