GDC: Psychosis and the Making of Hellblade

This AAA-quality indie game was developed by a very small team. How did they manage to release such a title?

Do you love Ninja Theory’s Hellblade? It is a game that mixes both beautiful visuals and an amazing story. The thing is that this AAA-quality indie game was developed by a very small team. How did they manage to release such a title? Let’s find out!

In this 2018 GDC talk, Ninja Theory’s Dominic Matthews and Tameem Antoniades explain the approach used by their small team of 20 to build an AAA-quality project that is all about pushing the boundaries of narrative within gaming. The talk also focuses on the team’s approach to researching and collaborating around the subject of psychosis, in order to deliver a compelling and thoughtful depiction.

Did you find the talk useful? Make sure to discuss in the comments below. 

Published 25 September 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head