Grasp It: Portable Training System for Engineers

The kit allows constructing structures, testing stress points, and learning about physics.

Take a look at grasp it – a portable training system that consists of a variety of modular physical components and allows structure construction, visualizing ideas, testing stress points, and learning how physics works. The kit is created by Augmented Haptics.

It can be useful for engineers, architects, or just people interested in hands-on studying.

The physical components of the kit resemble their schematic symbols used in pedagogy, which helps improve learning and insight, according to the creators.

grasp it's digital augmentation technology "makes physical objects come to life with colour, meaning and insight." The kit helps conceptualise forces, electricity, and energy.

In the future, the developers are planning to expand the system into more STEM subjects, including electronics, thermodynamics, computing, and more.

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Published 12 May 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor