Guide: Blending Megascans Assets in UE4

Don't miss the latest tutorial on mixing Unreal and Megascans.

Quixel's Jonathan Holmes teamed with Jack McKelvie and Joseph Downer to discuss multiple workflows that can be used in UE4 to blend assets in a terrain.

The guide focuses on making a field that has been battered by artillery fire. The team used the ‘Damp Soil‘, ‘Cut Grass 2×2 M‘, and ‘Grass Clumps‘ from the Megascans library.

One of the discussed methods is world aligned texturing, a form of triplanar mapping. Basically, you project a texture from the front, sides and top/bottom of your object to set up seamless transition.

You can find the full written version here

Published 28 January 2020
Arti Sergeev
Business Head