Houdini Guide: Pre-Baked Destruction in Unreal Engine

Learn how to destroy assets while maintaining performance.

Simon Verstraete shared a new video explaining how you can create a destructible asset for your Unreal project. The asset is pre-baked in Houdini so the game engine does not have to simulate making it more game-friendly. 

"In Houdini, you start to build a basic pillar, you can load in custom models here as well. The pillar gets split into 2 pieces one for the destruction and one that is more static." wrote the instructor. "With that, it will also be a bit more optimized by default so we are not creating too many pieces and only breaking what is needed."

The project uses a number of tricks including the Normal vector as velocity in the simulation allowing users to control where the impact should be and how intense it will be. The guide will also explain how you can export the final simulation to Unreal Engine 5 and then set it up and running. 

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Published 18 August 2021
Arti Sergeev
Business Head