Houdini House Generator in 2 Minutes

Check out a quick guide by Simon Verstraete (Twitter) on how to set up a house generator inside Houdini. 

This is a 2-minute guide for those who don't have time to watch longer tutorials. You can find a more detailed guide on procedural house generation below.

The tutorial by above will first show you a general concept phase and the logic for efficiently copying n-different primitives from a selected pool to n-number of points.

Then, you will learn how to use an unfinished setup and install modules to points with unique properties. "This was the core logic behind one of the many procedural building setups that I developed some while ago, and I especially think it's a powerful yet friendly approach to this, without getting tangled into so many vex wrangles, conditionals, and statements," noted the artist.

Let us know if the guide was useful in the comments below. You can find the source file for the first guide here

Published 15 October 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head