How Much Can Unreal Developers Make in Russia? has recently teamed up with a couple of HR resources to find out how much money can Unreal developers of different levels get in studios. Let's look at the numbers. 

First of all, possible income depends on the studio. Alexander Blintsov from Pixonic, for example, said that one company can pay a mid developer $2400-3000, while other studios pay lead developers $1500. Also, he noted that the size of a company doesn't affect the salary. The best you can get is $4000 per month but that's a rather unique case.

Kirill Shabordin from Ambi.Games noted that programmers who want to get junior-positions need to negotiate: some can get a nice salary, while others have to work for food. As for the mid-level specialists, artists can expect $1900 and more, programmers can get $2400, while game designers get more than $2400.

A representative of the Sperasoft team said mid-level Unreal designers can get $2200, while senior developers might expect more than $2800. As for junior specialists, an average salary is $1700.

The Russian game development market is not doing so great compared to other countries. Yes, you can get a competitive salary, but the average numbers are not so good. You can find the full story here (in Russian).

Published 02 October 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head