Human Skin Materials on Substance Share

A set of realistic textures from Allegorithmic and Texturing XYZ.

Allegorithmic and Texturing XYZ have presented a set of human skin textures, which you can get on Substance Source. The pack features 30 high-resolution skin materials in RAW format with all the map derivations dedicated to digital human texturing.

Get the materials

Art by Leo Ribeyrolles

The creators of Substance has also talked to Jeremy Celeste from Texturing XYZ about scanning high-quality skin textures and the process of making them:

I created from scratch a photometric multi-camera system, which enables image capture in the finest detail from almost all kinds of materials. On the other hand, I implemented a cross polarized photo studio capable of taking polarized and non polarized photos very quickly.

For scanning a person, age is my main criteria. The cross polarization technique then allows for suppression of specular reflections from a subject directly from the picture, without any post-processing.

The key for skin texture acquisition is the environment. Pictures must be taken without ambient, with a controlled lighting. For example, outside you would have a bluish ambient. That’s why I created my studios where I can truly control lighting and especially bounced lights.

More specifically for skins, there is a very important notion of the volume and strength of the light used. As human beings, we constantly move, we’re never immobile, and our heart beats, making our blood moves just beneath our skin. It’s thus crucial to take pictures at a very high speed in order to avoid motion blur.

You can read the full interview here.

Published 03 February 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head