Importing Textures to Quixel and Then to UE4

Learn how to import a custom texture set into Quixel Megascans, create a layered detailed surface and more.

Check out this video guide by You Can Blue on importing your own textures, created or from a texture library, into Unreal Engine 4 correctly. You will learn how to import a custom texture set into Quixel Megascans, create a layered detailed surface, import materials into UE4 as masked not RGB, build your material using parameters, tessellation and levels and create multiple instanced materials from the created material.

 To reduce draw calls from the engine you should ideally made an instanced material from this using parameters so that you have the ability to use multiple variations of your material with different specularity, normal strength or any other parameter based changes that may need to different over multiple similar yet different materials (think different colored tiles for example in different areas of a level).


Published 16 March 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head