Leica and Autodesk Make Reality Capture Affordable

New BLK360 scanner easily controlled by Autodesk application announced.

Leica Geosystems and Autodesk might have found a way to make your scanning workflow easier and less expensive. BLK360 by Leica is said to be the smallest, fastest and easiest to use imaging/laser scanner the industry has to offer. But that is not all there is to know. Autodesk revealed a ReCap 360 Pro app to remotely control the data collection process of the imaging scanner.

Scanning technology is getting more and more popular, large studios around the world use it to create their masterpieces. But let’s face the facts: it’s expensive and complicated. In fact, it’s so expensive and hard to get a hang of, that small and mid-size companies can forget about most of the scanning solutions. 

The standard cost of a good scanner than get you nice results can range from $75,000 to $100,000. Announced BLK360 scanner will have a cost of under $16,000. A simple push of a button will get you both 360° image documentation and laser scan data, which will be automatically stitched and registered in the ReCap 360 Pro mobile app. Still expensive, but much more affordable.  

The cylindrical-shaped scanner is small and lightweight—6.5 inches tall, 4 inches in diameter, and only 2.2pounds—making it very portable. It has a range of 60 meters and you can scan in high, standard, and fast resolutions. It takes less than 3 minutes (using a standard resolution) for a full-dome scan with 150-megapixel spherical image generation.

All aspects of the reality capture process are controlled with the ReCap 360 Pro mobile app, which will be available in early 2017. The ReCap app allows you to automatically register and visualize scanned data in the field, and then upload 3D models and panoramic images to the cloud for sharing and collaboration. And the ReCap data can be seamlessly used in Autodesk design solutions such as AutoCAD, Revit, Navisworks, 3dsMax, Infraworks, Inventor and many other…


Author: Artyom Sergeev
Published 17 November 2016
Arti Sergeev
Business Head